Tag Archive: Chakra

This article is intended for everyone who has no idea of how Reiki can be done in person by keeping Reiki therapists as well as patients point of view.

When a patient comes to a therapist,

  • 1st thing to be kept in mind is Be an Active Listener: Request introduction of the patient which requires medical history and chief complains about which the patient has arrived. Many times, mental status examination of the patient is the key. (Note: if the patient wants to avoid sharing few things, it must be overlooked).

In every case, comfort of the patient is the 1st priority.

  • After case taking, request for medical reports related to as well as not related to complains shared by the patient. Sometimes what is being shared is a symptom and not a proper cause of ailment.
  • Further, if the patient needs someone as an attendant during discussions, it should be very much allowed to make the patient feel comfortable.
  • Therapists behaviour should be polite and in a respective manner.
  • Next, a comfortable resting place should be made available to ensure patient is at ease.
  • Before Chakra examination, therapist needs to have a buy-in from patient for their understanding of the therapy and any questions should be amiably responded to. Refer link here…. https://curesbyreiki.com/2013/02/03/frequently-asked-questions-faq-about-reiki-therapy/
  • Chakra examination needs to be performed before coming to any conclusion for treatment.
  • Before treatment, patient should be made aware of sensations that they can experience and healing crisis (process of body purification) and what can be expected in short/long run.
  • Hands can be placed either on the Chakra points to be treated or 1-2 inch above particular Chakra. (Note: In-person Reiki vs Distance Reiki: In Distance Reiki, treatment can take place without patient being physical present)
  • Length of the session should be anywhere between 30-60 minutes depending on the convenience and requirement of the patient.
  • After the session is compete, Therapist as well as Patient should share their experiences and their expectations for the longer course of treatment.
  • Depending upon receptivity and severity, it might take more than 1 session for the patient to experience the result. This should be shared upfront with patient to keep transparency in your treatment.
  • During the complete course of treatment, patient also needs to be transparent and share experiences and changes to therapist.

“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever”.

Symptoms of the Patient before Treatment:

1)      Display of white spots in front of eye before migraine attack started.

2)      Extreme and unbearable headache since beginning of migraine attack.

3)      Hypersensitivity to light and noise.

4)      Frequent bouts of depression and cries.

5)      Wanted to confine oneself to dark and closed room.

6)      Experienced sleeplessness and required constant sedation during migraine attack.


During Sessions and Post Reiki Therapy:

1)      Started feeling calm and relaxed.

2)      Hypersensitivity to light and noise was greatly reduced.

3)      No more sleep depravity, stopped frequent cries and felt no more bouts of depression.


My patient was a 42 years old housewife. In first meeting she informed me that she has been diagnosed with migraine. On examining her medical reports, I inquired, about her current symptoms and intensity of pain. During her case taking, I came across many important facts :  A: Painful personal history and B: Family disturbances, and hence the struggles faced both in past and present.

Her expression of grief when discussed, was as follows: “I suffer extreme headaches; these attacks are frequent and are long lasting. These episodes are very, very painful, and debilitating and sometimes come with a hammering sensation. She continued, “I cannot tolerate light, and I just close all windows and doors of my room, and I make it completely dark. I cannot even open my eyes freely due to extreme heaviness on eyebrows. It remains this way for 3 to 4 days in a stretch”.

As migraine is a disorder of the nervous system, In this case, I decided to give Reiki 1st on the Crown Chakra accompanied by Reiki on 3rd Eye Chakra. But as treatment of migraine involves treatment of multiple organs, so I then went with complete “7 Chakra treatment”. Each session was carried on daily basis for 30-45 minutes. On her fifth session, I heard some success wherein she reported having a fresh mood since last 2 days. From then on, each and every session rang positive bells wherein the patient reported gradual reduction of her grave symptoms. She could now enjoy deep sleep. She was now not intolerant of noises and started staying more in open. Gradually her tormenting headaches started reducing and later she expressed how she could now enjoy her life without migraine.


“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”


Symptoms of the Patient before Treatment:

1)      Uncooperative, Irresponsive, Disobedient,

2)      Avoided Eye Contact,

3)      Showed Anger when approached,

4)      Restless in nature, couldn’t sit in one position,

5)      Cried Frequently,

6)      Short Tempered, somewhat rigid

7)      Even being Autistic, she had complete Emotional Attachment towards family members.

8)      Loved to play with childrens younger to her/avoided playing within same age group

9)      Used “SIGN” language during conversations and got confused/irritated and showed emotional outburst when was unable to express herself.

10)  She wanted everything in order.


During Sessions and Post Reiki Therapy:


1)      She started to love to engage herself in conversations.  

2)      Frequent crying stopped and now she was more calm with reduced rigidity.

3)      She began to respond well when approached, started expressing views easily and more confidently.

4)      Her level of concentration increased, she even started watching news regularly.




                                  My patient was an adolescent girl who was brought to me by her parents for treatment. During her first consultation the first thing which was very obvious was her restlessness; at the extent, she refused to stay seated at one place. She was totally un-cooperative and started crying when I interacted with her. She disallowed physical examination and tilted her head away every time.

Despite her strong rejection, I tried performing chakra’s examination. Disturbance was found in CROWN and THIRD EYE chakra mainly. I also decided to give reiki on THROAT and HEART chakra, as patient had communication problem and emotional disturbances. As autism is a neurological disorder, CROWN chakra; called as brain chakra, is the most important chakra to be considered for this treatment, as the brain possess power to control all our bodily functions. THIRD EYE chakra is located in between the two eyes and controls all emotional and endocrinal functions. It is well known for controlling anger and emotional disturbances. THROAT chakra is located in neck and is used to treat problems related to communication and speech. HEART chakra is located in heart and is complimentary to third eye chakra.

The treatment started as 45 minutes of daily DISTANCE REIKI, as she was not allowing me to treat her by placing my hands on her. After few sessions of distance reiki, she got convinced to accept Reiki by touch. She started behaving calm and her restlessness was reduced to a lot extent. Later The sessions started ending with her deep sound sleep every time.   

After few more sessions, her parents reported her reduced anger and easy expression of views. After few more sessions she started getting conscious of herself and tried being more vocal instead of earlier use of “SIGN” language. Her frequency of cries and emotional outbursts reduced phenomenally. She started choosing colors and one day I got amazing news from her parents that she has now started approaching outsiders too.

Continued reiki sessions also resulted in her increase of concentration. She became more alert of herself. She started following suggestions of her parents. She watched news regularly and tried to comprehend the new things.

“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”

Symptoms of patient before treatment:-


1)      Severe pain in lumbar region( I.e. lower part of back)

2)      Sciatica (There was intense pain at sciatic nerve root : patient was unable to sit and was not able to stay in one position for a long time.)

3)      She was not able to lift weights.

4)      Restlessness at night due to severe pain in back.

5)      Difficulty while rising up from the chair.

6)      Every body movement was very painful.


Symptoms of patient after treatment:-


1)      Patient got complete relief from pain.

2)      She was able to sit firm and there were no difficulty in body movements.

3)      Now she was able to lift weights.

4)      There was no Restlessness at night, as there was no more pain.

5)      Now she was able to rise from chair easily.


My patient was a 50 + aged housewife who suffered from spondylitis. She was experiencing severe pain in lumbar region (I.e. lower part of spine).  She was suffering from intense pain in the hip region due to her affection of sciatic nerve root and hence she was unable to sit. Her pain was so severe that she was unable to be in one position during her consultation. Severe pain in back deprived her from sleep at night. Each and every body movements like weight lifting, rising from the chair, etc… was very painful. Her doctor had kept her on pain killers and advised for complete bed rest. She was taking pain reliving medicines but it lead to side effects and resulted in severe hyperacidity and hence, she had to withdraw from taking the painkillers.

After thorough case taking, I found that disease was not of hereditary origin. Moreover, she had a lean constitution (body); hence Obesity related issues were ruled out. Her typical exerted housewife activities had resulted in this disease. I decided to give her reiki on lumbar region which involved sacral & root (base) chakra for 60min daily.  After just one session she reported that she can rise from the chair easily and there was less pain in body movement. On the second session she reported 50% relief in her pain. Within ten sessions she got complete relief from the pain and all other symptoms got resolved. In her last session she said that now there is no pain at all and the improvement was at such an extent that she had forgotten her all complaints and is now living a normal healthy life.


“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”

Symptoms of the Patient before Treatment:

1) Depressive thoughts

2) Fear of sudden death

3) Fear of cries of animals and birds

4) Sleep disturbances

5) Dullness all the time

6) Fear of staying alone at home


During Sessions and Post Reiki Therapy:


1) No depressive thoughts

2) Fear of death was gone

3) Positive attitude develop toward birds and animals

4) Sleep disturbances decreases

5) No dullness

6) Now she can stay alone at home





My patient was a 32 years old female, who suffered from Chronic Depression. During her Pre-Reiki Consultation, she informed me about her fear of sudden accidental deaths. She had cried her heart out when she said that “life and death are natural processes, everybody has to die one day but living with constant fear of dying is worst then dying itself”.  She also had a peculiar mental disorder wherein she believed that howling of birds and animals around her, would lead to some unseen problems- a superstitious thought- due to which, her sleep had also got disoriented. Due to the above fears, she was not able to stay alone at her own home- which also caused her family problems; she being in a disturbed, depressive state-of-mind. The best part of the pre-reiki consultation was her being frank and open about her each and every depressive whims, which in fact, is very necessary to understand the patient & give a proper treatment.

During her Chakras examination, I detected disturbances in her Crown, Third eye and Heart Chakra. On this basis I decided to give her daily sessions of 30 min. My treatment began with Crown Chakra, as any of the diseases, especially those of the mental kind origin; this chakra is not to be neglected. Then I focused on Third Eye Chakra, wherein regulating the glandular secretions, helped me in regulating her emotions. Heart chakra then helped in restoring positive attitude and by increasing her faith in herself. Just after 3-4 sessions, she underwent changes drastically; she started feeling joyful, her depression was reduced to a great extent. Another 2-3 sessions, and her fear of death vanished. Now she felt no discomfort; no fear of, staying alone at home. Thereafter, during her last sessions, she confessed that, she had developed a positive attitude towards life and birds & animals howling were just voices for her now. Her superstitious belief had taken a backseat. Her sleep disturbances were gone, and she was now a happy person. During her last session she proclaimed, “I AM EXPERIENCING A NEW PERSONALITY WITHIN MY SELF, THIS TREATMENT HAS CHANGED MY LIFE.”


“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”

Symptoms of the Patient before Treatment:
1)   Defiant, Stubborn, uncooperative, unresponsive, disobedient,
2) Very reserve in nature,
3) Lack of self confidence,
4) Short tempered, Angry,
5) Physically weak and was having a stammered speech.

During Sessions and Post Reiki Therapy:
1)   There was dramatic improvement in Speech and Personality.
2) He is now a talkative, cooperative, and a responsive person.
3) Stubbornness has decreased a lot. Acceptance has Increased.
4) He became a lot obedient and,
5) Family has seen a Remarkable improvement in his self confidence.


My patient was a 19 years old male, who suffered from Stammering. His stammer was so severe that he did not utter even a single word during his first pre-reiki consultation visit. According to his parents he started to stammer suddenly at the age of 11. They started consulting many doctors & had done all possible diagnostic tests, but to no avail. Concern was that no cause was being detected for the problem at hand.

During his last 8 years, parents had consulted numerous speech therapists, homoeopaths, and considered ayurvedic treatment too, but there was no significant improvement. Due to stammering, he used to feel much embarrassed and had gradually left the studies just for the cause of avoiding talks with other classmates. Moreover he never picked up the phone so as to avoid general conversations; he used to have very limited conversations with his parents itself. His social and education life was at a standstill. His parents were very stressed and had lost hope for their child’s recovery.

During his Chakras examination, I found disturbances in his Crown, Third Eye, Heart and Throat Chakras, in the same succession. In most cases, first chakra to consider is the Crown chakra, as brain has the power to control all our bodily functions. Next comes Third Eye Chakra, as it controls our thought processes and emotions. Third eye chakra is mostly complemented with Heart Chakra and as the patient faced Stammering, Throat chakra was the one to be focused on, as it regulates speech and communication. Basis this I decided to give him Reiki session of about 45 minutes daily. After just 4 to 5 sessions, his parents saw a remarkable improvement in him. As session’s occurred, gradually there was a great change in his personality; he became expressive. He became talkative enough and began regaining his self confidence. Right now he has evolved to a much responsible, co operative, well considerate, mature & understanding member of the family. His stubbornness has reduced to a great extent. He has proved his mettle and is now capable of running his father’s own business alone. This is one of the most miraculous cure by reiki and also one of my best experiences as a therapist. Reiki surely has the power to make one regain his lost personality, self esteem and make him believe his worth living for.
“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”