Pain & Stress are part of our life but if it becomes chronic, it turns into depression. An untreated depression can lead someone to have suicidal tendencies. Sometimes, it is absolutely okay to feel sad or disappointed, but when you have an impulse to harm yourself, you should take a back-seat and consider sincere professional assistance / treatment.

Few years back, I came across a patient who showed signs of suicidal tendencies. One female about age 30 was brought to me by one of our common friend. I was informed that the female has attempted suicide just past night. I had no detailed information regarding her depression or anything else to substantiate her agony but she was assured by my friend to get proper counselling and treatment.

During her consultation, she was quiet, did not speak much and was very much disinterested in what was happening around herself. Her depression was markedly noticeable. I requested her to feel relaxed and comfortable and started my Reiki session beginning with Crown Chakra, Third Eye and Heart Chakra in that order. It was a long session of about 90 minutes. At the end of the session, she was feeling relaxed and even laughed at one of the ice-breaker jokes which i had thrown across.

A t the end of the session, she confessed that she was not sure how Reiki would help her get relaxed and was just toeing the line on insistence of our common friend. Moreover, she assured us full heartedly that she will never ever think of self harm and would henceforth start indulging in practices which make her happy and occupy her time. Also she was grateful in telling me, that going forward, even if she comes across any low point in life, she would surely seek for assistance and treatment, rather than attempting something life threatening.

On a personal note, I was very happy that a single Long Session of Reiki, helped someone regain senses for their life!!

While pondering over this case now, it makes me realize that there lays a strong message underneath in this case for each and every one of us. Whatever we have come across, the pain, the moment, the low point of our life, all of this can be set aside by being alert to oneself and by loving oneself. (Instances where you cannot lift yourself up, one should always get connected to someone and seek for advice)

“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on Wishing you a Healthy life forever”.