Tag Archive: Complementary and Alternative

Acupressure and Reiki

As a Reiki therapist many times I have been asked this question: “Madam can I continue my current medication ? Will it affect the result of Reiki?

My one and only answer to this question is:  “No need to restrict any treatment while undergoing Reiki Treatment. If any, Reiki will only have complimentary effects if taken along with other Treatments and improvement can be beyond expectation. But no side affects at all”.

Another Complimentary Treatment working in unison with Reiki is Acupressure. Some of the similarities in Reiki and Acupressure are as follows : 1) To Treat the Person and not only Disease/Disorder. 2) Body and Mind are inseparable 3) Energy of 5 Elements/ Chi . 4) To help body regain its natural healing power 5) Release of Toxic matters from the body.

A notable difference is that acupressure has to apply some pressure on body for the treatment, whereas Reiki does not need to apply any pressure. Also Acupressure needs to be applied at specific points only whereas Reiki does not have that limitation. Following article provides good amount of information on Acupressure.


For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”

In my experience as a Reiki Therapist, I found it surprising for many people, when i was able to detect the hidden causes of their troubles/suffering, whether realized/unrealized by them.

For ex : When a patient was being treated for Intense Headache, during physical examination, disturbances were found in Solar Plexus. She was suffering constipation and that was the reason for headache.

Apart from these, during other treatments, many such other feelings of anxiety/fear/mood disturbances/emotional upsets/willingness or unwillingness for the session/ etc… were noticed.

The reason being,  in Reiki Therapy, it is the Recipient’s body itself, which draws the energy and the Reiki healer , hence , becomes eventual to the actual disturbances. Moreover, if the Recipient is unwilling for the treatment, Reiki itself stops flowing, hence reciprocating the feeling.

Pasted below , is one another important link for Clear understanding of Reiki :


Karuna Reiki

Just Like Medicine, in general, has its Types and Sub-types, “Reiki” too, has its various streams with the basic building block established by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.

Karuna Reiki is developed by William Rand and is very popular today. It was introduced in 1995 but is used by many now-a-days. Karuna Reiki, itself, has many levels/sub levels, but for that, too, you should be Master in “Reiki” before you go for any other Avataar of Reiki.

Karuna is a Sanskrit Word and it means Compassion/Love.


Here, is an interview with William Rand himself.


“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”


This article is an follow-up post of my previous published article on Color Therapy and Reiki. https://curesbyreiki.wordpress.com/2012/06/08/colour-therapy-reiki/

Though Reiki is defined in many terms by different people like “Atmospheric energy”, “Universal Energy”, “Dynamic Energy” and so on.

Having spiritual angle, doesn’t mean, Reiki has no logical connection with physical body or its functions.

Attached link here, serves two purposes, it shares detailed information on Chakras / Associated Glands / Organs and much more, and also its Association with Colors.


“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”

Reiki also has many subtypes and other therapies complimentary to it, as discussed in my earlier posts.

One of them is Quantum Touch. Though it does not need any Attunement, but if used with Reiki power, it can Multiply the benefits/advantages to the patient.

Following is one of those links, wherein you can find Articles/Success Stories/Videos.. and much more info for Quantum Touch.



“For Reiki Therapy and Alternative Medicine Counselling, contact me on dr.tarafakhri@gmail.com. Wishing you a Healthy life forever.”